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Downsizing Services

Downsizing in 3 Easy Steps!
1. Downsizing Consultation
To help you decide what to take to the new home
and plan how everything will fit.
2. Moving Day Services
To direct the movers to place all your furnishings
in their rightful place in your new home.
3. Getting Settled Services
To hang artwork including family picture galleries
and accessorize with your special treasures.
If you have already moved...
Create the Home You Love
in 2 Easy Steps!
1. Design Consultation
Is a Space Planning Session in the new home to determine
the placement of furniture, artwork and accessorizing.
2. The One Day Home Makeoverâ„
To create the home you love in just one day by making the most
of what you already have. Includes furniture placement, hanging
artwork and pictures, creating photo galleries and accessorizing
with your special treasures.
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